Friday 3 January 2014

New beginnings

The start of a new year is always interesting.  How is the year going to pan out?  Will I still be fat? Will my autistic child still be watching the same films and playing the same games she was playing over and over again as last year?
Reality has hit me that I am far too fat (there is no other word for it, sorry.)  I am getting heartburn/indigestion (whatever you want to call it) on a daily basis and it's sometimes unbearable.  This is one thing that will keep me on the healthy bandwagon.  I am also turning forty this year.  Yikes!  I don't want to be fat and forty.  I am realising that my recovery from my hip surgery (last April) is hampered by my weight but not one doctor/surgeon/physio has mentioned that to me.  I notice that bending over is a bit more difficult which at first was hampered by my recovery after surgery but I realised the other day it was because my belly was in the way :(  Not good.  
But my problems are small compared to others.  This week,  someone told me that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  They are at the beginning of a difficult journey.  
I also volunteer for a charity called Post Pals.  They send happy post to children with long term illnesses.  They face a difficult journey every day so I am sure I can manage to take positive steps to improve my health.
Anyway, there's leftover cake at my house if anyone wants any.